Mason loved basketball and 8th grade was the last year he was able to play. The foundation presents the Mason Spencer Award each year at the final Tri-Valley Middle School assembly to an 8th grade boys basketball player. Because Mason loved gift cards and took great pleasure in spending them, a $75 gift card is given for the award. This year due to Covid there was no assembly and while the winner was selected during Spring 2020, the announcement was delayed. The winner has now been given the award via Zoom and recorded for us to see. (Thanks Brent Ward!)
The winner is chosen by the coaches. This years winner was chosen based on qualities like Mason such as highly involved in Tri-Valley in activities such as student council and athletics, academically strong student, terrific work ethic, and perseverance to overcome challenges. He is a very worthy candidate and all around great kid.
The 2020 winner was Henry Masters. Congratulations Henry!!